Royal Commission, softening housing market, interest rates look set to creep up – it’snow harder to get a loan in Australia right now than it has been for a long time. The financial services royal commission has been quite damning – particularly for the Big 4 banks – coupled with an extreme backlash by the media which has also resulted in significant brand damage to the big lenders. ASIC has gotten involved and I expect to get a lot more proactive in the financial services sector – all of which means for Mr & Mrs Joe Average – battling through life – getting a loan just got a whole lot harder.

I’ve spoken to local Real Estate Agents who have seen the impact this is having on auction clearance rates as well lower numbers turning up at open houses. I personally believe this is combined with the heat coming out of a long run of property values increasing well beyond the historical average level. The royal commission has certainly opened up problems within the financial services sector and there will always be a reaction – which is happening, however, the banks are so profit driven that I would envisage the situation to ease up to some extent when profits are suffering in the short to medium term.
The net effect is that as finance becomes harder to get, this will put further pressure on house prices which will create somewhat of a spiral effect – leading some economists to believe a drop of up to 10% in house prices from current levels. Media speculation is also rife about a ‘crash’ and values falling off a cliff – this has been hosed down by such people as NAB chief economist – Alan Oster who described that as alarmist. I think a more common sense approach is warranted in that the market continued to run up for so long – it makes sense for a bit of a drop and tightening of money – it’s happened before it will happen again.